The Evolution of Bath Design: From Function to Spa-Like Luxury

Bathroom design has traversed a long path from its utilitarian roots of the ‘horse trough’ bath, to the contemporary havens of relaxation we cherish today. This evolution reflects broader changes in societal attitudes towards personal care and wellness. At the forefront of this innovation is Cabuchon, whose bespoke bathing solutions and deep soaking baths have

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Deep Soaking Baths and Hydrotherapy: Convergent Technologies

In our previous post, we looked at more recent refinements to the modern soaking tub and how Cabuchon led the way in creating what has now become a worldwide passion for deep soaking. In an effort not to overcomplicate the story, we mentioned the subject of hydrotherapy only very briefly but, in reality, the

2020-03-19T16:40:49+00:00Tags: , |Comments Off on Deep Soaking Baths and Hydrotherapy: Convergent Technologies

Our New Hydrotherapy Baths Section

If you’ve ever visited the Cabuchon website before, you may have noticed that we have recently restructured our section about hydrotherapy baths. We hope you find the changes helpful and we’d like to explain our reasons for making them. As one of the country’s leading pioneers in this field, we wanted to be much clearer

2020-03-19T15:59:15+00:00Tags: |Comments Off on Our New Hydrotherapy Baths Section

What is Hydrotherapy and How Effective is it?

Although true hydrotherapy is a relatively modern phenomenon, the health benefits of bathing in temperature-controlled water have been recognised since at least the 5th century B.C. Notes by the physician Hippocrates suggest that it was around this period that the science of hydrotherapy was first starting to be realised, although it would be many centuries

2020-03-19T16:00:31+00:00Tags: |Comments Off on What is Hydrotherapy and How Effective is it?

Achieve Tranquility with Hydrotherapy Massage Bath Tubs

Although true hydrotherapy is a relatively modern phenomenon, the relaxing and restorative effects of bathing have been recognised for millennia and luxury baths were certainly important features of privileged life in Ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome. However, it was only with the advent of technologies that allowed the pumping of mixed jets of air and

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